Quick & Easy Recipes: Lettuce Rolls
- Leaf Lettuce (dark green preferred) “I use Collard Greens…they are hearty and make a great wrap“
- Meat (fresh – no nitrates or preservatives)
- Slice of cheese
- Sliced tomatoes
Roll up inside the green leaf and enjoy!
OR make a lettuce taco with fish and cabbage.
OR refried beans (make you own – pinto beans – rinsed – 1/4 – 1/2 tsp of coconut oil, water to consistency and salt. Cook to boiling and beans become soft and mash till creamy) Add a little sour cream (1/4-1/2 tsp) grated cheese, picante’ sauce – roll up and you have a healthy taco.
OR chicken salad made with fresh chicken, (shredded), sliced celery, onions, collard green stalk, cranberries (crushed), hummus or honey mustard.