49 Day – Ian – Back and Arms

Back and Arms

A Superset is when you do two exercises back to back. If you see a letter followed by a number that represents a superset and you are to perform one set of that exercise followed by a set of the following exercise.


Arms (Biceps and Triceps)

Exercise Sets and Reps Weight
(A-1) Dips 4 sets of 15  
(A-2) Concentration Curls 4 sets of 15 Light weight
(B-1) Single Arm French Press 4 sets of 12 Light weight
(B-2) 21’s 4 sets of 21’s Light weight
(C-1) Kickbacks 5 sets of 10 Light weight
(C-2) Magnet Curls 5 sets of 10 Light weight


Exercise Sets and Reps Weight
Supermans 5 sets of 8-12  
Rows with Dumbbells 5 sets of 10 Light weight
SB Back Extensions 5 sets of 10 Light weight
Bent over Pulses w/dumbbells 5 sets of 10 Light weight
Reverse Fly w/resistance bands 5 sets of 10 Light resistance w/band
Single Arm Lat Pulldown w/resistance bands 5 sets of 10 Light resistance w/band
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