Articles by Christian Ross

  \  vc  December 20, 2016

03 Day

What we think and feel directly relates and affects the chemistry of the body.

– Marc David, IPE

For the body to burn fat, it’s important to keep your thoughts and feelings positive. Begin your day with affirmations of success and it will spread like wildfire throughout your day.

  \  vc  December 20, 2016

02 Day

The key to success is in your belief. BELIEVE that you CAN do this. Start fresh each day with the affirmation “I CAN do this. I AM successful.”

  \  vc  December 20, 2016

05 Day

We nourish the body and soul with the food we choose to eat, the exercise the body desires and a quiet moment that feeds the soul.

– Ashly Torian

You are feeding your body a nourishing and well balanced diet. Now, get quiet today and feed your soul.

  \  vc  December 9, 2016

04 Day

The fat loss journey is really about living at your natural weight in a fun and pleasurable way.

– Ashly Torian

Live your life as if you have already succeeded in your fat loss journey. Don’t wait to feel good. FEEL GOOD NOW!

  \  vc  December 6, 2016

08 Day

Once you complete your cleanse today, let go of yesterday’s trash and embrace tomorrow’s miracles.

  \  vc  December 6, 2016

01 Day

“Start the way you mean to finish”

Be intentional each day. Follow that up with action, and throw determination and consistency into the mix to create the results you desire.
You CAN do this!