Articles by Christian Ross

  \  vc  December 20, 2016

14 Day

Main drink of choice—WATER. In 37% of Americans, the thirst mechanism is so weak that it is often mistaken for hunger. Check out the health tip below for more details on water.

  \  vc  December 20, 2016

12 Day

Bring child-like zest into your day—PLAY! Laugh, joke and tease with someone. Don’t take this challenge or life so seriously. Kick back and enjoy today!

  \  vc  December 20, 2016

11 Day

Spend at least 15 minutes in constant movement today. Your body loves to move and was designed to move.

  \  vc  December 20, 2016

10 Day

What you believe is what will follow. Do you believe you ARE successful in this challenge? Step into what you want most, NOW.

  \  vc  December 20, 2016

09 Day

“Don’t give up what you want most, for what you want now.”

– Ashly T.

  \  vc  December 20, 2016

07 Day

Wahoo! You are completing your first week. Celebrate your success with an arm pump and an “I ROCK!”

  \  vc  December 20, 2016

06 Day

There are no limits or restrictions to what I believe or intend from this moment forward.

– Ashly Torian