Articles by Christian Ross

  \  vc  December 27, 2016

22 Day

“A river cuts through rock, not because of its power, but because of its persistence.”

– Jim Watkins

This is top of the 4th week. Your persistence has gotten you this far. Dig deep and keep going.

  \  vc  December 27, 2016

21 Day

Eliminate negative self-talk. It will only sabotage your efforts to achieve your goal. Believe in yourself and your ability to succeed. You CAN do this! You have set a goal and are striving to achieve it…you’ve got gumption… DIG DEEP, you will find it and you can do more than you ever thought possible.

  \  vc  December 27, 2016

19 Day

Your mind is a powerful thing. When you fill it with positive thoughts, your life will start to change.

  \  vc  December 27, 2016

18 Day

Visualize the accomplishment of your goals each day. Experience the taste of success and feel that sweet satisfaction. Believe in yourself. Know with conviction that you CAN accomplish your goals.

  \  vc  December 27, 2016

17 Day

Don’t give up, your success is happening right now. Change and transformation is continual and never stops until you do. So…keep pressin’ on. You’ve got this!

  \  vc  December 27, 2016

16 Day

Affirmation of the Day:

“I AM the living, breathing example of my goal.”

  \  vc  December 20, 2016

15 Day

Congratulations! You have completed half of the 30-day challenge. Keep pressin’ on and speak good experiences into your day.